I know it's been awhile since we last spoke but this matter is of utter importance. In the coming days and weeks we will embark on ajourney the likes of which have never been seen. Over at my new stop the Desonesto Doctrine we will be conducting a tournament of the people of Saved By the Bell. Each seed and matchup will be broken down in exhaustive detail. Stay tuned. The bracket is below:
Friendly reminder as we emmark on this journey. We are no longer contributing to ASD at this time but feel free to enjoy our poorly edited archives and you can follow Cleet on Twitter HERE and Catfish on Twitter HERE.
Tuesday, March 15
Head Over To Desonesto This March For SBTB Tourney
Thursday, January 6
Shutting 'Er Down For Awhile
Well, it's 2011 and look at all the possibilities out there! Okay so there is not really anything going on and there are absolutely no prospects out there. But look on the brightside, we have had quite a trip on ASD the past few years. This very well may be the final post on this site. I'm not just saying that as a teaser. Between the real life committments of the two of us, I am deeming it wise not to continue on. We obviously cannot keep up the pace of consistent posts and even then have not churned out much in the way of thought-provoking pieces either. For those four of you that still kept with us it is much appreciated and hopefully we brought a tiny bit of insight to your life in some insignificant way.
We will still be around. We will stay active (relatively) on Twitter which you can follow here. I will also still be writing my brain smatterings over at The Desonesto Doctrine. I feel I can handle one blog and that one allows me to post on incredibly random and asinine topics. This one just doesn't have the juice anymore, kind of like when Tupac got shot in the movie Juice and then Omar Epps had it.
So be well fair citizens of the blogosphere and we may well see you down the road.